The Brief

Campaign to raise awareness about facial deformities, amplified on social media

The Idea

A smile is a curve that sets everything straight. But what if you have a facial deformity which robs you of your smile? We wanted to make people aware of the condition and donate through Operation Smile.

The Execution

People with facial deformities are socially alienated and often mocked for their looks. To grab people’s attention, it was important that people experience the condition themselves. To do so, we came up with the idea of installing ‘Selfie stations’ with a face warp filter. The campaign was further extended to mobile platform via social media camera lenses and filters. What people usually find funny – is not funny for some. It’s a cruel reality they live with. Through our idea, people could  see and feel that. They shared their pictures on social media and spread the word using #Itsnotfunny.



We created a special facial warp and distortion filter instead of the common beauty filters on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and Tiktok. A portion of TikTok and Snapchat’s users looked into the camera and saw a face that wasn’t their own. It challenged People’s internalisation of beauty standards and what’s considered normal. The videos spread on social media instantly with #itsnotfunny


A reflective page was inserted in a magazine that acted like a distortion mirror. When the reader would look into it, a distorted self would be reflected with a message #itsnotfunny. Readers could see and feel how it can be to live with a permanently distorted face. We carried forward the distorted mirror idea to bus shelters, elevator mirrors and public restrooms.

